It’s a done deal

My favorite Bible verse for this time of year comes from the prophet Isaiah…

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them the light has shined.” (Isaiah 9:2)

Of course, these words refer to Jesus’ coming, as they are echoed in Matthew 4:16, but the application does not end there. The application does not end at all.

Jesus continues to come. The light continues to be seen. Shadows continue to be overcome. And, it is significant this verse is written in the past tense, and why? Because, remember, when God speaks, God’s words accomplish what they signify. Therefore, when God said the people who walk in darkness (including us in our agonies) have seen, it means we will see and the effect of that seeing will bring us into the light. It is a done deal. Right?

Unless we close our eyes. Unless we refuse Him. And, oh, we can, can’t we? And we’d be justified! After all, look what God allowed! Look at the hurt, the pain, the years of sorrow! Right?

It is a reality, our years of sorrow. But, I tell you, walking over near this manger, this reality of God becoming man; walking near that Cross, this reality of God as man dying due to human fear, greed, pride, hatred, prejudice; walking near these and watching as my agony got sucked down into earth so fertile, things just start to grow all around my feet — ah! I came to know the truth of these words!

Stay here under the Juniper and watch.


Repeat Isaiah 9:2 several times out loud. Now say it again, claiming it for yourself: “I who walked in darkness have seen a great light; I who dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon me the light has shined.” In what ways are you seeing this light?


God, I can say no to You, can’t I? I have! I don’t want to anymore. I don’t want to dismiss You, not believe in You, or be angry with You any longer. Those things have only left me in darkness. I am tired of darkness, Lord. Thank You for Your light. Open my eyes, and my heart, to see it more, to see You more.


Being broken … being open


Suffering is sacred ground