Poetry is powerful. It takes hold of an inherent strength within every human being — our ability to rise again — and offers it expression. So, even though some of us spend long years swimming in the torture of our wounds, we cannot, should not remain there, but allow hope to find release, for hope is always within. Always.
Job 28:7
“There is a path that no bird knows”
Where time and space dissolve.
Where God brings souls, pained and sore,
And takes theirs troubles off.
Some say it’s Eden overgrown,
Some call it Heaven’s nave.
To me its confines resemble more
The walls of Elijah’s cave.*
A place where evil cannot breathe,
Where death can’t lift its head,
Where “all is well” is real and true,
Where reckless hope is fed.
You who suffered! You who wept!
Remember! You were there!
Behind the fear, the rage, the pain,
Its vestiges are there!
See it! Claim it! Release its power.
Bring its Maker into view.
Fierce His love; its Judah’s Lion,**
Come to see you through.
Copyright 2019kelleyrenz
*See 1Kings 19:9-13
**See Revelation 5:5
Well, look at that! There I am,
Ready at Your feet!
Stitched back together by Your hand,
All the parts of me.
Wounded still, but scarred and strong,
Your cross rests here beside.
For it You used to raise me up
A hundred, thousand times.
You peeled addiction from my grasp
Despite reluctant cries.
You led me into deserts where
You let my anger die.
And, look! The muscle in my frame,
A strength I can assume.
Oh, help me, Lord; I am afraid
To walk right into You!