This is holy ground

How do we make sense of Israel, Palestine, and God? How do we mesh a loving God with Putin’s savagery in Ukraine? Once we ask those questions, or any others that place God on one side and horror on the other, we had better be willing to hang in there until the answer comes. Otherwise, we’ll be carrying a rather lukewarm faith, if we end up carrying any at all.

We must look around! After all, this is new territory — us with God in this place of question, challenge even. We must notice everything. We must watch with an abiding intensity, devoid of panic. In other words, we must expect the answer.

We must notice ourselves, too. When we question God, God will question us. What are we made of? Do we experience a more to us as we stand here with God?


What happens, Lord, when I question you? What happens in you? What happens in me?


Questioning you is scary, God. But forgive me, I must! I don’t understand, and I’m not one to follow blindly. If you are who I really want you to be, who I really need you to be, I’ll not be left here alone. This is holy ground, and I wait and watch. Amen.


Accept the invitation


A wrestling match