Why be here?

We don’t feel powerful, do we? We are frustrated, angry, depressed. We are very aware of the suffering going on around us. We are very aware of how empty we feel at times. We’re hating one another, isolating ourselves from one another, and we are sinking. A lot of us are asking that question, why be here?

That question is one we’re supposed to ask. It runs us into God, but a lot of us are confused about who God is. There are people behaving very badly who say they have God figured out. Well, we don’t want that God. Others say God is not real or God doesn’t exercise any power down here. Obviously, right?

We seemed primed as humans to focus on the negative. If we need any proof of the “Fall” of humankind, that’s it. We love to dwell on what’s wrong, roll around in it, and talk, think, and consume it. It’s easy. It’s deadly. It can be changed.

Micah 6:8 says this: “Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly.” We should post this all around ourselves, immersing ourselves in this one minute, one hour, one day at a time. Gripe about someone else out loud or in our thoughts? No. Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly. Dwell on all our reasons for hating our job, our living situation, our life? No. Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly. What might happen to our attitudes if we purposely, deliberately, mindfully put this mandate into serious action?

One month of this! Let’s immerse ourselves in its practice. No putting it off. No being iffy about it. Do It. Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly. Let’s see what difference it makes. It might just save us.


We can resist the temptation to think this won’t work, to think it unrealistic, to ignore it, but why do that? Really, why? Why not try it?


Some of us, God, are hanging on by a string. We don’t see ourselves as you do. We don’t see you. Stir up your image within us, Lord! May we put on Micah’s words. May we notice all the ways we violate them. May we begin to feel what comes with abiding by those words. Help us to see, Lord. Help us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly. Amen.


Mad at God


The power we have