“Deep calls to deep”

Sometimes I wonder if the extent of the damage done to me was not because it was sexual, or physical, or psychological so much as it was simply relational. I wonder this as I think of God — Father, Son, and Spirit — who are relationship itself: these three who relate so well, they are one, one God.

What should have been one of the most intimate, personal, intense relationships humankind manifests — parental love — veered violently from this ideal. Rather than reflect the oneness of the Trinity, remaining in its sphere, my relationship with my parents was cast further and further from this reflection, degrading as it went. Chaos ensued. Disorder became the way, and we were plunged into deep confusion and sorrow.

But, in this darkest of circumstances, God heard my cry, a cry that originated in the image and likeness Trinity placed within me at conception. Deep cried out to deep, and, as the psalmist tells us, God responds…

“Deep calls to deep…” (Psalm 42:7)

“He bent the heavens and came down…” (Psalm 18:9)

There is no darkness that the light of God cannot break through. This is the promise we are reminded of by Advent and Christmas. The relationship of the Trinity continually calls, pulls, and invites us to return.


How aware are you of the pull, the cry of the Trinity within you?


Oh God, open my eyes to the ways You are bending the heavens to reach down and grasp me. Help me to respond to Your reach and work with You to bring Your light more and more into my life right now. Restore my relationship with You and guide me to keep my present relationships within Your sphere.


Expect God


Being broken … being open