Expect God

We’re not taught how to see God, are we? We fold our hands and mouth words memorized long ago. Or, we sit in silence — as much as we can take — and hope for some movement outside of us.

But, we’re not likely to see what’s happening outside of us unless something has happened inside of us first.

It is Christmas Eve, the proverbial day of watching and waiting. Mary and Joseph watched and waited. The shepherds who were to hear from an angel would soon watch and wait in the valley with their sheep. What was present within each of these people was expectation. They expected God to come (and, thus, they were able to see Him when He did come).

Where is your expectation? Is it buried beneath doubt? Has it been suffocated by betrayal? Is it combined with hope and shoved in some dark closet with a lock on the door?

Dare to get it out and dust it off! Dare to expect. Dare to hope.

This is what is true: God has already come to you. As you dare to expect, your eyes will acclimate, and you will see the many ways God has come, leading you to where you are now, here beneath the Juniper. Permit this truth. Hold it in your heart. Now, watch with Mary, watch with Joseph. Expect.


What has weighted down your expectation and hope for a vibrant relationship with God? Do something in your home as a physical sign of welcoming God’s coming.


Dear God, You know even more than I all that dims my hopes, my expectations. Help me to move that aside today and nurture my ability to see You, to welcome You within. Thank You for bringing me to this day. Amen.


Beyond the need for signs


“Deep calls to deep”