Election time

Dear God, this is Kelley.

This is the first political election in which I’ve been afraid to put a bumper sticker on my car or wear a tee-shirt for my candidate. I don’t know if I’ll put a sign in my yard or not.

I’m afraid, God. We’re more divided than we’ve ever been in my lifetime. I imagine we’ve not been as divided as this since the Civil War, and, like then, there are real and dangerous consequences for us as individuals and as a nation. This is making a lot of us suffer. What are we to do?


Are our actions — including the lack of action! — pleasing to God during this election time, or not, and what can we commit ourselves to change?


Dear God, have mercy on us. Give us wisdom. Give us courage. May we do no harm. May we speak only what we know to be true. May we pray for ourselves, for those we support and those we do not support. May we continue to look to You as our source of hope. Amen.


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