Expect an answer

God’s gotta have a good answer for the presence of so much suffering, right? After all, he’s God — all powerful, in control, all loving. That doesn’t fit with the level of suffering that literally surrounds us. So, what is it? What’s God’s answer?

I’ve read lots of attempts at an answer. Everything from “this is how awful we humans are” to “it’s a mystery we just have to accept.” I hate both of those.

I don’t see how God’s goodness, God’s love, God’s movements can so easily succumb to something humans do. And dismissing the issue by chalking it up to mystery is a cop out.

Let’s try something else. Let’s run straight at God with our suffering, his suffering, their suffering. Let’s lay it all down as his feet, back up a bit, and watch. No, I don’t mean leave it there and walk away, glancing back every now and then to see if God has daisies growing out of it. I mean plant ourselves there, watching intently, expecting to receive.


There is no question God will not answer. True or not true?


God, suffering scares me. How do you and your Omnipotence weigh into all of this? Too many drop their Bibles and drift away. Human answers are so inadequate. What can I expect if I remain here as best I can, attentive, hollowed out, and listening?


A strange power


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