Find a way to walk on water

If we’re inspired by a book, that inspiration is often ruined if we learn something bad about the author. If we are told something bad about someone we admire, that admiration fizzles. I see a lot of people succumbing to a sort of nihilism because of these contradictions.

But it’s not just people who exhibit contradiction! Look at the world! Such breathtaking beauty right next to forces of destruction! What does this say about God? Or, more to the point, what does this say about what we think we need to find in order to experience joy, peace, meaning, and hope?

Look at Jesus and Peter. This pivotal moment in Peter’s life isn’t meant for just Peter. Peter is every one of us. Recall: Jesus is walking on the water. Everyone in the boat who sees this is terrified. Peter is afraid, too, but he manages to recognize an opportunity for expanding the way he sees the world. “If it’s you,” he says, “tell me to come out there, too.” “Come,” Jesus immediately says (and he had to have a smile on his face!) Peter did. Now stop! Can you imagine the thrill, the opening of the proverbial eyes that must have overtaken Peter during those few seconds that he actually stood on water?! Think of that! How did that impact the rest of his life, his view of what’s possible and what’s not?

That’s precisely it. If we want more than nihilism, then we have to confront Jesus (who walks just fine on water). We have to be willing to step out of the boat (let go of our limited, narrow, and often fear-engrossed perceptions) and find a way to stay afloat. We’ll get wet, for sure (because we take our eyes off of Him). We’ll go under, for sure (because we want to do it on our own). But eventually, if we persist in growing our level of comfort with Someone who promises transformation, well, then, that beats nihilism all to hell, doesn’t it?


How is relating with Jesus in church or in the comfort of your own home different than relating with Him as He stands on the water with you in the boat, and He’s saying, “Come”?


Jesus, I want to say this is dumb, but that’s just fear, isn’t it? I don’t want life to be the way it is, so help me realize it isn’t how I perceive it! What you created — us, this world — you declared good. From what I’m seeing from the confines of my boat, it isn’t good. Show me you’re not in this boat with me. Show me where you are on the water. Call me out, Jesus. Help me to want to be where you are, to see how you see. Amen.


I can choose life

