
The part of us that seeks meaning, that wants to know why; the part of us that longs for goodness, kindness, love — that part of us isn’t just us. It’s God (and us).

But we don’t want to believe this, do we? Why no, because despite that presence of God right here inside, right with us, we still suffer. We still do stupid things that cause harm. We’re harmed! So, in the end, most of us back way away from acknowledging — much less communicating with! — this presence of God within.

But what if we didn’t back away? What if we ran right at it? What if we made a cup of coffee and came and sat down and, well, just focused on God? We could close our eyes and focus on the part of us that wants love, goodness. We could watch it grow bigger as we inhale, smaller as we exhale. We could nurture a curiosity about this presence — like we’re waiting for a door to open after we’ve rung the bell. And then, after days of this, we could try talking to this God within, and talking could go on all day, in fact. Why did you allow that? Did you inspire those people to help? Thank you for helping me to see where I could help. Help me to help him, God. Help me to (want to) know you. Yes, talking like that, in your style.

Cause here’s the thing: There are people who swear their strength, their goodness, their hope, their positive outlook comes from God, and some of these people, if not most, have gone through some awful things. Why do they stick with God?! What are they tuning into?

Persist in seeking! Be willing to lay everything down. The bigger we make the room within for God, the more that can go on there.


Watch intently while you make it a practice to speak to God daily, as if God were right beside you. What is happening over time?


Dear God, I don’t like this! There’s so much suffering! There’s so many people saying they know you are this way or that way, and I don’t want either! Help me to see that my own questions and judgments are important in my finding You. Let me start with them, lay them at your feet, put them into words, and then listen. Amen.


Find a way to walk on water


It’s God and us