It’s God and us

Growing up in a chronically abusive environment creates a set of beliefs that, by adulthood, have managed to carve themselves deep in the mind.

  • Nothing works out well for me.

  • God doesn’t hear my prayers.

  • There must be something very wrong with me.

  • I cannot trust my own perceptions.

  • The world is a dangerous place.

If a positive thought does manage to occur, such as “maybe God loves me,” that thought will have to fight a mighty battle to take root.

But thoughts like these do take root, don’t they? Hope does find its way into the minds of those of us who have and are suffering. From where do these thoughts come and how do they find enough nourishment to survive?

Genesis tells us.

God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27 NAB)

They come from within. Positive thoughts, hope, yearning for what’s good — all these spring from the image of God found in the mind and heart of every human being. This is where they come from. Now, how do they survive?

This necessity is up to us. For sure, other people, exterior sources, can feed the thoughts, the hope, the yearning. But it is ultimately up to us to give it what it needs to not succumb to the litany of carved-in lies. The lies will be loud. They will be insidious. They will take advantage of every difficult time, every doubt we have, every pain we feel. If we choose to listen, however, to the positive thoughts, we will see they bring with them a power the lies do not have. They also bring wisdom, insight, and a strange comfort.

The deeply carved lies remain within. They spring back up tall when we go through dark times, yes. But we must remember what came before — God’s image within. We must remember our participation is a necessity. It’s not just God; it’s God and us.


Take time to listen to the image of God within you. Notice what happens over time as you attune yourself to this presence.


Oh, God, the lies from my childhood often cloud the way I see your world. I fear it is ugly, dangerous, conniving, hopeless. Help me to see, God! This is your world, and you are love! Help me to connect with the image you put within me and see as you do. Help me to make this choice, over and over again. Amen.




Psalm 151