Psalm 151

Where are your miracles now, God?
Your champion’s silent, staid.
You’ve reduced me to the ash heap;
You stole my child away.

 My mind, it isn’t working well.
My past is much too loud.
What can I do? What do I do?
Come, Lord, visit now.

 I can’t be the one who’s strong,
As sorrow looms over me.
It trips me up; it blames, it shames –
Is this meant to be?

 What’s real, O God, over there or here?
Do you stand on firmer ground?
It all shakes beneath my feet.
I’m falling down. 

Lift me, God, come lift me.
I have no course, no plan, no map.
Show me that I’m not alone.
Show me where you’re at.


We must never think God does not receive us if we all we have is sorrow.


Hear my sorrow, Lord. It is all I have. Tomorrow I will pick my hope back up. Tomorrow I will lift my head. But now, I can only acknowledge this loss. Thank you for sitting here with me. Amen.


It’s God and us


We know too much