We know too much

“Where is God?” The war in Ukraine. Crimes against children. A volcano destroying an already impoverished group of people. Oh, we can point to so many horrible events and crises that fuel our doubts about a God of love, a God of mercy, a God of power.

Oh, come on! We know too much! We have seen too much, both in our own lives and in the lives of others! We know God comes under the rubble, through the broken window, and around the obstacles pinning us to the ground. So, where God is isn’t the real issue, is it?

Do we want God to rid us of all suffering? And if God doesn’t (and we kind of know God won’t), then we can chuck this whole idea of God? Now, we’re getting somewhere! Why do we want to chuck this whole idea of God? Because we realize God isn’t the miracle-doer, magic-maker we want God to be! The real God isn’t going to step in front of us and keep our sins from hurting us. No, this God is going to invite us to step in front with Him and join Him in this great war between good and evil.

And that’s frightening.

But, oh, what lies in wait for those who accept this invitation.

Stand up beneath the Cross. This is requirement number one. Assume your adulthood, your responsibility for sin. Not in a “woe is me; it’s all our fault” manner. No! This misses the point! Pick up the suffering, whatever part of it you’ve been given or feel urged to take upon yourself, and then look to God for guidance. Guidance and so much more will be forthcoming! Be prepared! God just may use you to come under the rubble, through the broken window, and around the obstacles!


Do you allow suffering to feed your doubts about God, or do you allow God to use that suffering to encourage you to rise?


Dear God, all this suffering scares me! I admit, I do want to ignore it all and ignore You. But that just leaves me depressed and cynical. My own repeated failures add to the suffering of the world, so let me accept your invitation to work with You toward transformation, both for me and for the world. May I stop insisting You use your power, without me using mine right beside You.


Psalm 151


We have to stop