God packs a punch

Chronic childhood abuse has a devastating impact. Let’s look at just one aspect of this impact. Let’s consider what abuse does to a child’s perception of and, therefore, relationship with, God.

Those who care for us give us our first image of what God might be like. If those who care for us are wonderful, loving people, we have good ground laid for God to widen, deepen, and build upon. If those who care for us are cruel, if they are largely absent, if they are unpredictable, we have ground that God must question and change. This will not be easy. It won’t be fast. But God does have a head start.

Relationship with God begins with what bothers us about abuse. This is God’s head start. We know it’s wrong, don’t we? We are confused by abuse! We may even question it! There is something within us that pushes back! What is this? It is the image and likeness of God, placed within us as we were formed (cf. Genesis 1:27). This image and likeness of God is not without its power. It is not without wisdom. It is not without the ability to communicate with us. This power, this wisdom, this communication, these are the real-time applications of Psalm 27:10, Isaiah 49:15, and Jeremiah 31:20. Let’s spend some time with each of these promises of God’s, for they will show up in a myriad of ways within us as we grow! It is important we take note!


In what ways did you know how you were being treated was wrong? Have you ever wondered what or Who was the source of this knowledge?


Dear God, yes, I knew how I was being treated had to be wrong! I questioned. I agonized. Help me to realize more and more the source for my knowing. It was You! You were telling me I was worth more than this! You were telling me I was Yours! May I follow this knowledge, Lord, and realize all that came with it. Knowledge from You packs far more punch than we may realize! Show me, Lord! Amen.

Do we realize the power in God’s word?


Psalm 27:10

