I must change

I’ve run back to the Juniper to think through the myriad problems facing us as a nation. Of course, I can’t stay here until I figure things out; figuring them out is beyond me! But I know what I can and must begin to do: change.

I must stop participating in the “us and them” line of thinking, talking, and behaving. I’m going to listen more to “them.” I’m afraid. What are they afraid of? I’m frustrated. What are they frustrated by? I’m angry. What are they angry about?

I must stop thinking my perspective is the end-all, be-all. It isn’t. All I have to do to confirm this judgment is lift it up to God. While I can’t see and understand the depth of how my perspective misses the mark of “the best way,” I am very aware, nonetheless, that it does have many, many shortcomings.

I must start going outside of myself. It’s too easy to perpetuate narrow thinking while staying in my cocoon. After all, Jesus didn’t say this as a suggestion:

 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,  I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me. (Matthew 25:35-36)

No, he said it as a prerequisite for human growth.

So, while I come here to the Juniper to get renewed, it’s time I pull myself to my feet, put my big-girl pants on, and change in the ways I need to change, right now.


How does reaching out to help another combat our narrow ways of thinking?


I’m afraid of our world, God. I’ve been able to shield myself from it, but I can’t cower back here any longer. Too many people are hurting. I’m hurting, too. Help me to stop doing what feeds the divisiveness. Help me to start doing something to fight that divisiveness. Remind me that courage, kindness, and patience are virtues and virtues are not acquired with ease. Help me, Lord, to change.


The power we have


Give God ground