Isaiah 49:10

We will scoff, won’t we? God being with an abused child?! Look, the abuse continues! Where is God?!

Isaiah tells us:

Can a mother forget her infant, be without tenderness for the child of her womb? Even should she forget, I will never forget you.

Just what does God not forgetting us do? What does being held in the Mind of God actually accomplish? What did a mere word from God do but begin the massive processes of creation!

God is telling us in this verse that They feel tenderly toward each one of us, especially those of us who lack parental care. Instead of scoffing at this because of what we do not see, might it benefit us to look for the ways we can?

We need binoculars to see far away. We need a microscope to see up close. What do we need to help us see the movements of God?


In what ways might God show us tenderness?


Dear God, my parents could not love me as I needed. They were deeply wounded. Isaiah 49:10 makes me want to see You! Show me, Lord! How were You there? How are You here, with me now? Help me to see!


Jeremiah 31:20


Psalm 27:10