Just being

Day Eight in our search for God in the public square…

We must keep in mind one thing when we say anything with confidence, and that is we’re limited. When I was in school, there were 9 planets and 90-some elements on the periodic table. Now there are loads of planets and 118 elements. If we don’t admit our limitations, then we’re not apt to see the greater picture, the more refined understanding, the corrections needed to keep growing, learning, and drawing closer to God and how God made things.

Who exercises this humility in our public square?

“I’m right and you’re wrong!” We’re still on the playground, aren’t we?

Being right doesn’t make us attractive, sought after, or even at peace within ourselves. Just being open does. Just being vulnerable. Just being alive to all that God is doing in this complex, beautiful, confounding creation of God’s. And the closer we draw to God in a most deliberate way, the more capable we become of just being.


Being right does more to separate than it does unite. Take whatever it is you’re “right” about and hold it up to the knowledge of God…


Dear God, scientists teach us every day humility is the best position from which to learn. They observe with such intent! May we observe with such intent — You, the world You made, history (all of it!), ourselves. May we be careful with our conclusions and always come back ‘round to modify, refine, and, well, laugh! May we never point our fingers, even figuratively, and say, “you’re wrong.” May we be humble, Lord, especially in the public square.


Starting over


This world isn’t lost