Starting over

Dear God, this is Kelley. I’ve not been faithful to my original intent for this website. I wanted to use it to push myself and others into You. We need to be pushed, You see, because we’re not the kind of people who rush to You just because You say You are God. We’ve been wounded. We are angry, confused, shamed, addicted, afraid, cynical. Some of us may have started a relationship with You as children by begging You to end our suffering, and You did not.

But You did, and You do! That’s what this site needs to be about — revealing just how You move, how You intervene, how You lift, how You save. We’ve not been taught how to see!

Suffering doesn’t go away. We might as well admit to that! It is all around us! But its downward force is met and more than matched by You. The more we learn to see this and participate with it, with You, the more we can transform ourselves and the world around us.


As you look back on your suffering, can you identify sources of upward force?


Dear God, I am often angry and just plain tired. I hurt, God. I look back and see so many painful things. Let me sit here with You for a while. Show me how to see! Show me how You were there. Show me the difference this makes. Amen.


The other kind of miracle


Just being