Pulling Heaven here

How did some Christian thinkers (and leaders unfortunately) arrive at the idea that this world is evil, given over to Satan, and ruled by sin? Do we really think what the mind of God took such time to fashion and declare five times “good” is destined for destruction? How did we get so stuck on ourselves?

I watched a crow pick up the discarded lid to a tin can and use it to repeatedly slide down an ice-covered roof. I learned that trees work together and send nutrients to struggling neighbors.

Do we really think the magnificent mind of God will stand by while our sins and the devil destroy what He created? God doesn’t assign a job (care for the earth, cf. Genesis 1:28) unless God also gives the grace for that job to be done.

And what does this have to do with our focus here, our pondering of God’s place in the midst of our suffering? It has everything to do with it. We’re not here on this earth to suffer until we get to Heaven. We are to participate with God to pull Heaven here! God suffuses our lives and this earth with himself! We’re to look for Him, find Him, reveal Him, and work with Him to turn back every force that dares to bring ruin to us, to our neighbors, and to this precious world. God appointed us to do this, and God has every intention of seeing that appointment through.


If you consider God’s appointment of you to turn back evil in your life, in the lives of others, and in His created world, how does this change your view of your own power and your felt proximity to God?


Dear God, we can be awful people. Our sins can reach monstrous proportions. But the opposite is true as well: our ability to do good is “monstrous,” and even more so, because You are acting beside us.

This world is magnificent. This world reflects You, who You are, and how You work. It will not come to ruin. Sin, after all, has been defeated. Teach us, Lord, to “have dominion” as You intended, to accept responsibility for its care, and thus to learn how best to care for ourselves.


Being a girl


The lion’s den