The lion’s den
If we’re honest with ourselves, we want the lion’s den.
“Prayer enters the lion’s den,” writes the late Eugene Peterson, translator of the bible version we all know as The Message. This man spent long days in that lion’s den and came out with more ability to reflect the attractiveness of God than any other I know of. But, back to the lion’s den.
Isn’t that what we want prayer to be? We who have suffered much see how often matters are see-through, not meant, glib, superficial. Many of us had to survive on that from our primary caretakers, for they often could not offer us anything more due to their own wounds. No more! We want the depth. We want the substance. We want the lion’s den.
A God met in the lion’s den doesn’t mince words. This God knows very well how to battle, how to equip us with the armor we needed and will need. This God knows how to lead us to healing — and, yes, that takes place in the lion’s den, too, doesn’t it?
Let me assure you: knowing, participating with, loving and be loved by this God of the lion’s den is, well, the absolute fulfillment of every single thing we as humans need, want, and could ever imagine.
Spend time reflecting on being with God in a lion’s den. Who is the lion? Does this change? Why is this image appropriate?
I need a God who can take my anger, my sorrow, my self-pity even and challenge me! I want a God who knows how to take all that I’ve endured and turn it around for good (see Romans 8:28), not just for me but for those around me. You are this God, Lord. Keep me with You. Amen.