Put down the rocks and work!

She was caught red-handed, a woman committing adultery. Let’s stone her, so we drag her to the center of town, and we pick up our rocks. Jesus bends down and writes in the sand, giving time for those holding rocks to get quiet, and then he delivers brilliance: Whoever hasn’t sinned, go ahead and throw a stone.

This same scenario is repeating itself in every public square. It’s not adultery anymore. It’s drug possession, single motherhood, poverty, being not straight, being of color, being a foreignor, being something other than Christian. We’ve got our rocks in our hands, and, oh, we want to throw them!

But we can’t, not if we say we believe in God. God gives the grace to find ways to get along, to progress, to share, to move everyone forward. God gives the grace to those open to receive it, to those willing to do the work to bring that grace to its proper end.

We must be open, and we must be willing to work.


How are you open to the grace God gives so freely? Are you willing to put in the work required to use it well?


God, you don’t just bring about peace, wisdom, success. We have to take the grace you offer and work! Show us how.

You’ve won the day. Now we have to realize that victory in our particular situations. Yes, please give us grace, and give us the wisdom and the motivation to use it well. Amen.


A wrestling match


The addiction of sin