Rise today, please
Photo by Michael Kindinger
We can rise today. If I turn toward my true self — the part of me that is connected, open, real, learning, healing — and away from my false self — the part that acts from fear, anger, jealousy, pride, self-righteousness — I rise. And, if I rise, we all rise. We’re connected that way.
Please rise. Choose the good. Don’t nurture the negative, the down, the division, the hopeless. Make sure, at the end of the day, your goods are greater in number than your bads. I need that. The world needs that. You need that.
We roll our eyes sometimes at how little our “goods” are. Letting someone go in front of us, not driving selfishly, not reacting to someone who is driving selfishly. These may seem small, but they are not. They are, in fact, making the next decision for the good easier. The small acts of “good” are like practice reps, making our muscles strong and so much more capable of choosing the harder goods.
Christ comes along side us. He blesses our small goods. Remember what Jesus did with the five loaves and two fish? He fed thousands. He made that small good go a very long way. That’s what the Christ will do with what we goods we offer.
What goods did you give to the world yesterday through the decisions you made, the thoughts you dwelled on, the words you voiced, the deeds you carried out? What goods will you give the world today?
Dear God, sometimes I just don’t believe all this. I can make the whole world rise by even my small acts of goodness? And, yet, I know what difference in my life someone else’s kindness can bring about. Yes, Lord, help me to do more good than otherwise. Remind me what You can do with my small goods. Amen.