Swaying in the wind

Dear God, this is Kelley.

What must it feel like to not look to others to determine my worth, my standing, even my feelings? What strength of character to be okay, even if another disapproves or is indifferent. For those people of strong character, this is their default. For those of us who lack that strength, this is a vital assignment!

Another’s actions or words can wreak havoc inside of me, God. A criticism, a dismissive air, even a preoccupation on their part can upend me. What did I do wrong? What did I say that was wrong? How am I wrong? Such a way of being in the world is, in itself, wrong, and we must not allow ourselves to let it continue.

Oh what freedom to be secure in one’s self, to know one’s value, one’s worth! It is a gift to self and a wonderful gift to others! We need to be big people, God, not ones swaying in the wind. We can know who we are and what we are about. Give us your grace!


How steady are you among others? How steady are you with just yourself?


Dear God, show me the way to stand strong in myself. You made me. You — the God who created all things — made me. And no matter the hardships I’ve suffered, You offer me your grace. I wade in it. I wade in You. May I see myself as You see me, Lord. May I see everyone as You see. Amen.


Staying in our caves


Changing how we see