Taking God’s dare

Most of us are here under the Juniper because we’re ticked at God, right? God didn’t do something we asked. God didn’t show up when we needed him. So, now, God must prove himself. We cross our arms, keep our distance, and dare him.

Think about that. Think how backward that might just be.

If we’re under the Juniper, then there is part of us at least consenting to the existence, the love, the care, the power of God. Why are we here, if this isn’t in some sense true? It is this part of us that needs the stage, not the ticked-off part! We need to have the courage to empower the part of us that believes! We shouldn’t be daring God; we should be taking God’s dare of us!


By replacing the “prove it” attitude with an expectant one! As we watch and wait, we should know we will see! It’s not a matter of if God is in front of us or not; it’s how God is in front of us. Clearly we didn’t pick up on how God manifested himself before. Clearly we don’t as yet understand why he didn’t answer us in the way we wanted before. We missed it. Are we going to keep missing it? Just because God won’t appeal to us in the way we wanted?

“Well, since God didn’t come the way I thought he should, he must not care...”

“I will never forget you. See, upon the palms of my hands I have written your name…” (Isaiah 49:15-16).

God loves us. We must have the courage to lean in and see how he manifests that love. It’s his terms that count. His terms that teach. His terms that match exactly with how we are made.


How will you give more impetus to the part of you that knows God is with you, instead of the part of you that is ticked because God isn’t showing up in the way you expected?


Oh, God, it is hard to let go of my anger toward you. I can point to here and here and here and say you were not there! I can! Help me to consent to stand beside you and look back with you. Show me how you were there. Show me how you work. I want to see, Lord. I want to see!


A rugged faith


See as God sees?