The Lord hears

I love much of Catholic theology. On this day, December 14, Catholics celebrate the life of John of the Cross, a reformer of the Counter-Reformation, a man who sought the larger mind of Christ, a man who knew intimately the power that is accessible to us now in Christ.

The readings from the Bible that have been chosen for this day include this verse: The Lord hears the cry of the poor. John of the Cross was poor in that he knew well the magnificent mind of God, especially in comparison to what he perceived as his own very limited mind. God heard the cries, the prayers of John. The effect in John was to be shared with all seekers throughout the world: John’s writings teach us how God moves in us to bring us to himself.

We who have suffered, we who are suffering are poor as well. What is the effect of God hearing us?

In me, it was the ability to peel from myself the toxicity of the abuse and to see all the ways I was turning ‘round to pick it right back up again! It was the grace to keep working, keep trying, keep growing. It was the wisdom to turn my anger into motivation to rise above. It is still all these things and more, for God’s hearing us is never static. He will keep on hearing (and giving) so long as we keep on opening ourselves to receive.


In what ways are you poor? Lay these out before the Lord as you sit beneath the Juniper.


O God, I want to want You as did John of the Cross. Though my arms are often folded in anger (fear, really), please overlook my physical stance and hear my cry, truly a cry of the poor! I stagger beneath the weight of my suffering in so many ways. It is time I turn to You. It is time for me to cry. It is time for me to know I am heard.

“Look at the birds … they do not sow or reap … yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more important they they?” (Matthew 6:26)


Parting the heavens


The language of God