The language of God

From my point of view, healing didn’t really begin until I was stable enough (post abuse). But, as I was to learn while healing, from God’s point of view, my healing began long, long before.

God knows very well what suffering we are to encounter. The fact that God “allows” or “permits” it, the fact that God doesn’t stop that suffering, well, this is what we question God for at least, leave and condemn God for at worst. But, what we don’t have the eyes to see, the larger mind to consider, is what God does do as we suffer?

As my forthcoming book will explain in detail, God knows very well how to communicate with us, even as wounded children, even if there is no God-familiarity through which to speak. God knows the language of each one of us, an intimately personal wavelength He will construct, a divine flow that respects right where we find ourselves. We may not see this back and forth as God-initiated. We may not even be aware a give and take is occurring, but it is, and its effect is potent!

“So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; It shall not return to me empty, but shall do what pleases me, achieving the end for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)

I can share what I noticed at the age of 5. There was a crucifix (a cross with the body of Jesus still hanging on it) hanging on the wall in the hallway. I didn’t know who this man was, but I did notice that he was exposed, naked, and hurting. This truth resonated with me, comforted me, and became something I wrestled with in my mind. Who was he? Why was his pain being made so public? And why did there seem to be a strength attached to it?

This image of the crucifix would be added to as God used multiple images around me to build an archetype of himself. What God had sent (his word) would achieve the end for which it was sent.


In what ways did God speak to you as you suffered? If you cannot see them now, ask Him to show you.


Dear God, I don’t look for you in suffering. I just demand you move it out of the way in order to get my attention, my devotion, my belief. And I demand this even though I know Jesus hangs on the cross in the background, begging my consideration. Help me to hang in here long enough to begin to hear, begin to understand, begin to be open to You — and the peace, strength, wisdom, joy, and hope that comes with being open to You. Amen.


The Lord hears


Anything but humble