The power of knowledge
We are deeply powerful beings. The source of this power is the image and likeness of God within. But, if we’re not taught to look for or even know about this image and likeness, what then? Thankfully, this ignorance does not stop God. God will use whatever is at hand in our lives to reach deep inside and ignite our power.
Image by Rebecca Jo Heaston.
When did you question how you were being treated? In fact, from where would you have learned that how you were being treated was wrong? Could your confusion, your angst, your sorrow have come from God himself?
It is my contention it was. For those of us who suffered chronic abuse, there was no one in our lives who was telling us our treatment was wrong. In fact, most of the time we were told we were liars, deserving of far worse, and lacking in gratitude for what we were being given! How, then, were we to ever think we deserved better?!
It was, in fact, the voice of God within. Not only was this voice of God telling us we were worthy of far better, but this voice, being God, was also gifting us with grace, a grace that manifested itself by preserving our hearts, our minds, our souls until such a time when it would be safe enough to begin to heal.
How early in your suffering did you realize this was not as it should be? What impact did this realization have over time?
O God, I see now the sheer power of knowledge! By letting me know how I was being treated was wrong, You actually gave me the power to rise above it, even as it hurt me. Show me, Lord, all the ways You moved subtlety in my life to strengthen me, comfort me, and preserve me.