We can’t, and that’s good

Dear God, this is Kelley.

I’ve gone from thinking humans are good and powerful to realizing we’re just not. We are small, petty, vindictive, jealous, suspicious, and afraid. We are self-righteous, stubborn, and self-centered.

Why is this realization a good thing?!

First of all, it makes me walk with humility. What? I’m surprised when I realize I’ve done something short-sighted and stupid? No, not at all. And I shouldn’t be surprised when another is short-sighted and stupid. We all are. There is beauty in apology and a will to try again.

Second, it relieves me. I’m not anyone’s savior. I can’t be. I can help You. I can be a conduit. But in the end, I need to realize, and I welcome the realization, that this kingdom-coming process of Yours is Yours. You’re the quarterback. You are calling the plays. Not any human being. We’re not pulling one over on You if and when we try to do things our way.

Third, and this is where the Mystery of You enters in. Hope abounds even more with this mindset. The more we realize we can’t, the more we look to You for the will and the way. You can.


Which mindset — we’re good and powerful or we’re in need — puts us best in touch with God?


Dear God, realizing I’m not good and I’m not powerful is oddly comforting. It tells me not to look to me for the answers. I can breathe easier. I can get back up a lot quicker. I can present myself to You with a better mindset, one that is open and hopeful. Help me to grasp this way of seeing, Lord. Amen.


What salvation looks like


I come to the cross