What salvation looks like

Dear God, this is Kelley.

Salvation — being saved from all things that kill us — is promised, yes? But it requires something of us, doesn’t it?

I was lucky, God. My suffering made me sit up and take notice of You when You started poking into my life. I felt Your attraction, and I followed. You never left, and I kept choosing to follow. Both were necessary. That choosing to follow included submitting to Your way of doing of things, even when I didn’t want to hope, when I didn’t want to love, when I didn’t want to “have faith.”

Submitting to following You — this is sacred ground! You don’t need our submission, but we need it in order to see, to understand, and to rise above all that can kill us! This is where bushes burn! This is where You “make all things possible” (Matthew 19:26). We just need to stick with You, put You over our pride, our questions, our doubt, our angst. We can come to You, rocks in hand! We can come with snarls on our lips. We can come rolling our eyes. But we must come.

This is what salvation looks like, in real time.


How is the process of salvation occurring in your life? How well are you participating in it?


Dear God, when Julian of Norwich proclaimed, “all is well and all manner of things shall be well,” she was overwhelmed with Your goodness. She knew all things “bad” pale and pale quickly in Your presence, even as they continue to be in our lives. This is how salvation manifests itself — near You! May we run to You, Lord! May we make choices every minute of every day to participate in this salvation coming to be. Amen.


Living reverentially


We can’t, and that’s good