Wearing lies

I am angry. I know why — I’m holding onto a lie. I’m trying to see myself in a way that is just not true.

I wonder if that’s the cause of most of our angers. We’re either giving in to a lie about ourselves or others or some situation we find ourselves in. “I’m powerless (worthless, ugly, not good enough — substitute your own word here);” or “they’re out to get me;” or, my favorite go-to that hides in all kinds of insidious ways, “I don’t matter.”

Thank God for the anger! It’s the neon sign telling us we’re nurturing something very harmful. We’re trying to wear a lie.

Why do we do this? Why do we hang on to things that are just not true? I think here, too, there’s one simple answer: because it’s easier to do so. Holding onto lies usually means we can stay stuck, hopeless, and, well, angry.

God will insist we give up the lie. He will insist we see like he does — ourselves, others, and whatever situation we find ourselves in.


What lies are you holding onto right now? What is necessary to let go of them?


Dear God, I’m trying to wear a lie, and now I’m angry, too. Let me come here, with you under the Juniper, and sort out the lies from the truth. Lies anger. Lies depress. Lies give me the excuse to not grow. Truth, on the other hand, empowers — even if wearing it is challenging or downright scary. May I wear the truth, Lord. That’s where you are. That’s where your grace is. Amen.


Give God ground


Saint or not?