An invitation


Grace isn’t what we think it is,
Some delicate, rhythmic waft.
It’s hard and coarse. It often trips.
It wounds. It digs. It costs.

Our “wisdom” tends to narrow views.
Our doubt gives rise to scorn.
Our sense forgets to watch within where
Spirits wait, unborn

While we demand God move our doubt,
Explain our wounded knees. As
We sit and frown within our boats,
God walks upon the seas

Inviting us to shove aside
A vision sorely small,
To glimpse our world through eyes of a God
Who dares to alter all.

O! Grace isn’t what we think it is,
Some gentle comfort, no!
By it we must stand up and leap –
Our Spirits have no need of boats.

©kelleyrenz 2024/november


God is operative


Acting with God