Expecting trauma

Dear God, this is Kelley.

I don’t know a person who hasn’t experienced trauma. I know some of these people look at You and get mad. Why did YOU allow this suffering? You’re God! You’re supposed to be all-loving, all-powerful!

The assumptions behind this anger need to be looked at. I notice two that I think are actually wrong. First, the assumption that we’re not supposed to suffer. Second, the assumption that You should use Your love and power to keep us from suffering.

Then why this?

I first noticed the crucifix when I was six. It bothered me, and that was a blessing. Why? That crucifix bothering me, saved me. By the age of six, I had things figured out. Women got hurt and humiliated, and men were in charge. But now, here was this man — and this man was You somehow — naked, hurting, dying. Yes, that image bothered me, but it also accompanied me. It drew me to You. It gave me a sparring partner! From that image, I felt comfort! From that image, I figured there was something about suffering that You could take in hand and utterly transform into something good. Oh, I couldn’t have articulated that at the time, but I certainly experienced it.

If anything should inform us that suffering is, indeed, a part of our life here on this earth, the crucifix should. And if anything should inform us that suffering does not have the last word…. (Next time.)


How does it change your thinking about life and about God if we assume suffering is unavoidable?


Dear God, thank You for lifting me, strengthening me, comforting me, and challenging me by Your passion and death on the Cross. No other image did as much to keep me close to You and open to Your grace. May we never step away from You due to suffering, ours or anyone else’s. You are in the midst of all of it, ready to speak to us, transform us, and lead us out. Amen.


Feelings are memory, too


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