Two boxes

Dear God, this is Kelley.

I can tell You what’s wrong with me. I have it right here, on the tip of my tongue. I keep it all in a box, and the lid won’t stay down.

I’m not pretty. My hair is gross. My body is disproportioned. I’m not disciplined. I don’t dress well. My feet are ugly. I am overweight. I don’t think on my feet. I’m lazy, and I’m a liar. I don’t matter much.

Okay, I can tell you what’s right about me, too. That box isn’t so handy, and I have a hard time getting the lid off. Hang on…

I’m smart. I write well. I’m compassionate. I have a good sense of humor. I’m Yours.

The first box, God, isn’t mine. Each of those things were ground into me when I was young, and I’m not doing enough to peel them off.

The second box? Well, I got that from You, and it has become part of me. I know those things.

Why do we hang on to the box that tells us all that’s wrong with us? All that does is make us slump, slink, and be angry.

Why do we resist the box with the good things? Each truth feeds that twinkle in our eyes. Each makes us tall. Each opens us to others. Each put us on our feet, ready to … just be … kind.

And that’s exactly how we tell the difference between what’s true and what’s not. Truth stands us up. Lies push us down.

Let’s do some work with the lids on each of those boxes. One needs to be permanently shut. The other can just be left open.


What’s in each of your boxes, and what do you need to do with them?


Dear God, there’s nothing You like better than the truth. The world runs best on it. We run at our best armed with it. Help us to peel off lies that keep us from being the people You’ve made us to be. May we admit to what’s good in us and commit to putting it to use.

Show us, Lord, which box to pay attention to. Amen.


Expecting trauma

