Grace IS

Dear God, this is Kelley.

Do we realize what coming into Your presence means? Do we realize what it does? Being near You enables, empowers! It gives us new eyes! It helps us to see color, beauty, meaning! And this vision is potent. It is chock full of that over-used word we tend to minimize: grace.

Grace IS ability. It IS wisdom. It IS power. But we must take note, yes, God? Grace lays at our feet like the most beautiful clothing we’ve ever seen! It doesn’t climb up on us all by itself. We must choose to bend. We must choose to pick it up. We must choose to wear it and put it to use.


What do you need right now — ability? wisdom? power? compassion? forgiveness? courage? God does not keep these from us.


Dear God, we can’t come near You without running into Your grace. Whether or not we feel it, we wade in it! May we trust what we come for is provided! May we put it on and put it to use. Amen.


Let God be God


Being cool