Let God be God

Dear God, this is Kelley.

Many of us come to You, say our words, make our requests, and we leave. We leave, Lord. We leave because we don’t realize what’s possible if we stay.

The Bible’s stories about bushes burning and water turning into wine are relevant. We don’t need to see a bush aflame! We don’t need to taste water turned wine. We do need to have ourselves burn. We do need to receive You, to begin a day, to face a difficulty as if we were receiving wine.

These things mean something, God. I know this! I’ve come to You depleted, angry, hurt and walked away filled! What does knowing this translate to in our everyday?

We don’t have to stay depleted. We don’t have to stay in despair. We don’t have to learn to live with anger, fear, dread, and self-concepts that drag the ground. We can bring all this to You, day after day, and follow Your prompts to transform them from the proverbial water into wine!


What do you need transformed? Are you willing to bring it to God? Are you willing to work with God? Are you willing to live with it transformed?


Dear God, we don’t let You be God! “It is what it is,” we say as we continue on paths we don’t have to walk! You are the God of new hearts, new vision, new strength. May we come, Lord. May we stay. Amen.


Grace to change


Grace IS