Making all things new

Dear God, this is Kelley.

This frame of mind is rooted deeply. It’s a heaviness, a seriousness, a dread that colors my perceptions. It’s a built-in alarm system: expect the bad; anticipate the attack; don’t be caught off guard. It made sense within an abusive home. It doesn’t make much sense out here, but, boy, it follows me like a shadow.

Take it, God, okay? Show me how to lay it down. I know it will take a long time (it took a long time forming). Show me how to use Your grace to be deliberate: choose a frame of mind fashioned by You; choose to see, speak, and interpret all things from this frame. Do this over and over until it “takes.”

It feels daunting to me, and it is! But it is not to You. You, Lord, make all things new (Revelation 21:5).


What frames of mind formed from the abuse remain rooted in you?


Dear God, thank You for showing me yet another way abuse hangs on. Thank You for urging me to continue to grow and heal. May I accept and use Your grace to make these changes. Help me to see as You see! Amen.


We’re missing something


Staying in our caves