We’re missing something

Dear God, this is Kelley.

We’re missing something, God. We’re trying to make time, go off and find ourselves, find meaning, find direction, find clarity, find You. We try to draw back to think and get things figured out, all the while missing one huge fact: You are HERE. We’re frantically trying to leave the chaos of the kitchen to learn how to cook. The Chef’s in the kitchen!

Yes, we need time off, quiet time. But not to get things figured out. There’s only one place where things are figured out — in You.

A child ventures out and plays. She is absorbed in learning, thinking, taking in so much. Suddenly she becomes aware of her vulnerability. Her head rises. She takes her focus from her play for just a brief second to look for her security, her safety, her stability. Her eyes meet those of her grandfather. He winks at her. She goes back to her learning, thinking, and taking in. She is held.

It’s like that.


How might you nurture the fact that you are held?


Dear God, may I ponder the fact that You are HERE. I am held. I don’t have to figure things out. You have them figured out, and You have me. It is good. Amen.


Calling God Father


Making all things new