Rocks to walk on

God creates by mere word. God spoke and all of creation came to be. We are made in the image of God. What does this tell us about our own words?

Oh, but we already know, don’t we? We know how someone’s greeting can be the rock we walk on all day, buoying us to skip right over the mud and slush around us. We know, too, how someone’s name-calling can weigh us down. We know by the sheer force within us, that urge that moves us to comfort or correct another? Oh, we know our words matter.

We share in God’s creative, redemptive, sanctifying power. We share in it. May what we choose to say be a rock for others to walk on!


How might knowing your words can lift up or bring down impact what you say?


Dear God, I am made in your image. I can participate in the life You bring to others and to the world. This is no small thing. Help me to realize this, to choose my words carefully, to use them as You do: to create! Amen.


Acting with God


Feeling wrong