Running into God

Dear God, this is Kelley.

Many people have no idea they’re running into You. Just because they don’t believe in You doesn’t negate You! Just because they didn’t start the conversation, doesn’t mean You’re not talking! They just don’t realize it’s You they’re engaging. The better idea dawning on her, the change in direction as a result of his “intuition,” the sudden courage that came out of nowhere — all these are You, You in subtle disguise, here, loving us, whether we acknowledge You or not.

We’ve not been taught how to see You, have we? Most of us are not keen as to how Your grace weaves in and out of our interactions, our plans, even our ways of thinking, perceiving, and believing. Your grace is always at work, pointing us toward truth, shifting, sifting, purging, refining.

Our belief in You, our turning toward You, our making the “first” move, none of these initiates anything.


How might you nurture an awareness of God’s grace at work in your life?


Dear God, I’d like to believe You’re at work in my life. I’d like to catch sight of You. I’d like to know how to “dance” with Your grace as it works to move me in the direction of truth. I would imagine if I learn this dance and cooperate with it, getting to truth would be faster, and arriving at a higher truth would become possible. Please help me get me there, Lord. Open my eyes. Amen.


As God sees


About that new heart