The Jesus I know
A friend of mine attended a funeral recently. There, the pastor had every chance to reveal the love of God, the beauty of God, the compassion of God. Instead, he chose to insist upon hell as the destination of those who reject Jesus. Well, if Jesus has any similarity to this short-sighted individual, who would want to accept Him?!
The Consolator by Carl Bloch.
I asked my friend to consider the Jesus that I knew and talked about. No, I don’t hold a doctorate. I am not a pastor or church leader. But, from what I’ve seen, very few Christian leaders who stand out in our present culture portray a Jesus I find attractive at all.
The Jesus I know cuts to the heart of things pretty quickly. If we are wounded, He guides us to heal. If we are narrow, He moves to widen our thinking. If we are afraid, critical, judgmental, prejudiced, He moves to teach, open our eyes, and empower us.
The Jesus I know is open, receptive, joyful, and forward looking. He is not put off by sin. He rushes in where others stop and make excuses. He asks us to work our way toward holiness through being with others — as they mourn; as they serve out prison sentences; as they look for food and opportunity; as they die. As we do these things with Him, He teaches us what we should know, not necessarily what the prevailing religious leaders think we should know.
Bottom line: Jesus welcomes. Jesus leads. Jesus empowers.
How does Jesus want to empower you?
Oh Jesus, it is hard to distinguish You from the off-putting images of You I’ve picked up along the way! Help me to see You as You are. Help me to experience Your receiving of me, entirely and lovingly. May I receive You equally. Amen.