
Dear God, this is Kelley.

Jeremiah says, “You duped me, O Lord, and I let myself be duped” (cf. 20:7; NAB). I love this verse.

One glimpse of You is enough to ignite within us an immense attraction, a fulfillment we must have again and again. Proximity to You enlightens, emboldens, confounds, guides — and, yes, frustrates beyond belief!

It is not easy, following You, loving You, seeking You and Your ways. It calls for muscle and effort and choices I’d just rather not make sometimes. I’d rather be angry, put myself first, not apologize, put that person in her place, not forgive, complain, and feel sorry for myself. But, God, that glimpse of You, it burns brighter each time I do put another first. It burns brighter when I try harder, when I forgive, when I try to change my judgmental thoughts, when I speak honestly, when I ask to see like You see.

Thank You, God, for intervening in our lives. Move us to look for You until we find You. May we all be duped!


What changes in you do you notice after you have spent some time watching for, waiting for, or resting in God?


Dear God, even when I don’t have a sensory experience when I set aside time with You, I find myself enlightened, motivated, strengthened. Thank You for sharing Yourself with me. May I respond to your grace and return here, again and again. Amen.


The weight


Calling God Father