Beneath the juniper…
When resistance ends
You’ll wait as we throw our rocks, shout our doubts, make our accusations.
What does it mean to be triggered?
We need to learn how to recognize when we’re being triggered.
As God sees
If how God loves us is formed by how our parents loved us, have we taken the time to make any necessary corrections?
Running into God
The new insight, the sudden courage that came out of nowhere — that was God, God in subtle disguise, here, loving us, whether we acknowledge him or not.
About that new heart
What do you need to change in order to receive the new heart God offers?
About that new heart
Take a moment to imagine what allowing God to remove your stony heart could mean in your life right now.
Mattering to God
It takes courage (and lots of deliberate work!) to let the consequences of abuse fall from our fingers as we rebuild ourselves with what is true.
Distance (part 2)
Learning we do not matter is profoundly detrimental to our growth as human beings.
Keeping a distance
How has the way you were perceived as a child colored the way you see God and, more importantly, how you think God sees you?